My sentiments 💯

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Because to him, that’s all we are—pawns to use and discard. He’s gutting workers’ rights, handing power to billionaires, and selling out our country to the highest bidder. We deserve better. #TraitorTrump

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Zelensky rejected the mineral deal, and NATO is doing joint exercises without the US. Off to a good start.


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I wonder if Trump was made to live on the street with no money if he would be able to make it and survive? I know I could

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But you never wanna go back there

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I know people still don’t see it. It’s just common sense how he can hurt so many people in American people think it’s OK. I don’t get it.

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You have many fellow sufferers - we get it!

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Dear Friends of ... Remain Mouthy,

Let us forever encourage our own - human megaphone with a heart of gold and the courage of a thousand lions! Remember to see all things within a historical perspective. Afterall, America, has always been an anomaly, something that deviates from what is standard, normal, or expected. It still believes : that man is the center of the universe, that white people have special powers such that the sun rises and sets up their behind; and that the Sun orbits the earth, not the other way around...some even believe the earth is flat and that going to the moon was a hoax. In their minds...well, let's change the subject.

Mouthy, you are the best! Keep doing what you do best, always sharing the facts and reality rooted in humor!

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Mouthy Renegade , take as long a break as You feel you need to as we , or at least I, will be here should you return. If not, I hope Oregon, or wherever you end up at, will be good to you.

Your "brand" of writing is exactly down my alley with all the cursing ( I call the words HUMOR) going on but then again I am a sailor (usn 87-93) and appreciate the writings. signed texass

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I'll be waiting for him to return too. Sometimes my "potty mouth" could make even a sailor blush.

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Same 🖖🫢🤗🥰

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I'm more upset about the morons voting for Trump than Trump. He's an idiot, what's THEIR story.

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As an Australian why do Americans feel they feel a responsibility to pay taxes but not to vote?

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Actually, I'm an American who feels a responsibility to pay taxes AND vote. I just wish that more of my taxes actually went toward paying for what they're supposed to pay for.

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They do go for what they are supposed to pay for. At least until now, or perhaps one might say until the massive interference by the Republican Party over the past 5 decades or so.

For instance, do you drive on public roads? Did you go to public schools? A university? Has anyone you know done that? Do you swim on a public beach? Have a fire department nearby (and lower home insurance rates as a result)? Emergency services? Law enforcement? Library? Clean environment? Clean air to breathe? Standards for weights, measures, gasoline purchases, everywhere you go and smoothing every transaction? I could go on, but do you get the point that much of what government does is invisible to you, but no less important? That the vast majority of your tax dollars is used to fund the military? Do you feel safe from enemy invasion? What’s that worth? What is the life of entitlement lived by most Americans worth to you? Do you understand without our taxes and government we would have very little left to crow about regarding what makes America great? It’s not make America great again that’s important. What’s important is that America is great now, and we need to make an effort to hang onto that rather than let a class of greedy businessmen steal it all.

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Howard, that’s a very good question.

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Voting means you have to make an effort to be informed, and that’s just so much work! Seriously, the average American has the intellectual capacity of a gnat, and no desire to get smarter. Anti-intellectualism is rampant here, for many it is a way of life.

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Because the law punishes Americans for not paying taxes unless they're politicians or wealthy and can hire enough lawyers they don't have to pay taxes but the law doesn't require one to vote as in Australia.

Many Americans are afraid to vote because our news is a fecal driven shitflume and no one knows what to believe or who to trust, so they don't vote.

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Just upgraded to paid

I love reading your rants. Stay strong, mouthy, and righteous

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We’re all sick and tired of being sick and tired. Can you imagine how sick and tired the honorable Ukrainian soldiers are after what 11 years of war? It’s hard to stay angry for so long when you’re not normally an angry person. Now that that’s off our chest, get back to the fight 💪💙🇱🇷🙏

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Nancy, if you read Mouthy's profile, then you knew to expect some foul language. If you didn't read it, now you know.

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I have read at least 1 person who had 3 opportunities to vote for him and had the sense to only vote for him once.

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I can’t share your stuff with my anti-Trumpers family and friends because of your fowl language. Is it all necessary?

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Why can't you share it with your family and friends? Are they all in grade school?

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YES, f bombs and other choice words drive home the point, but i do understand your dilemma

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Yes, yes it is

This is a horrendous moment.

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