Those were glorious days, right? We got ours in 1984, a bit late. But it was so fun for 3-4 years until we got our NES. Then the Atari was just about retired. &:^)
Lies come in three dimensions: the sin of commission; the sin of omission; and lying to yourself (the worst, according to Dad). We're facing the last in really big way. Jesus was right. Love one another.
Musk is busy polluting the State of Texas (land, water, communities) and wants to start his own municipality. Plus he's stiffing his contractors (just like Uncle Donald). He is extremely rotten.
It wasn’t the Romans they worshipped multiple gods. It was the Catholic Church who hated the matriarchy, the healing women, the ability to give life (the last one is my opinion). So they burned them at the stake, tortured them and replaced their “pagan” religion with “Christianity”. Oh FFS please. Those men should have been castrated.
Probably Pinky Pie. That's the character on it, from My Little Pony. It was my daughter's from years ago and I like the size and weight of it. Plus it's cute. &:^)
Our joke was, it's 10:00, do you know where your parents are? But that was the second half of the 70s. On the weekend, in HS, I was allowed to roam if my chores were done. I would leave at 5 AM and go all over Portland OR on my bike. 71-74 :D
Thank you for all you do /say🙏
You bet, glad to do it. Always! &:^)
Old console's, i remember when wego our first USED ATARI in 1981 or so
Those were glorious days, right? We got ours in 1984, a bit late. But it was so fun for 3-4 years until we got our NES. Then the Atari was just about retired. &:^)
Lies come in three dimensions: the sin of commission; the sin of omission; and lying to yourself (the worst, according to Dad). We're facing the last in really big way. Jesus was right. Love one another.
Musk is is a gigantic pile of Gallus gallus domesticus biosolids
Musk is busy polluting the State of Texas (land, water, communities) and wants to start his own municipality. Plus he's stiffing his contractors (just like Uncle Donald). He is extremely rotten.
Love of money is the root of all evil
I truly believe that, too! &:^)
Mars will be a refuge for Musk and his friends when the Earth is no l longer habitable.
I think he should go sooner. Like tomorrow. &:^)
Bullies are afraid. Zelenskyy is not afraid, And he's smart.
It wasn’t the Romans they worshipped multiple gods. It was the Catholic Church who hated the matriarchy, the healing women, the ability to give life (the last one is my opinion). So they burned them at the stake, tortured them and replaced their “pagan” religion with “Christianity”. Oh FFS please. Those men should have been castrated.
What does your mug say??
Probably Pinky Pie. That's the character on it, from My Little Pony. It was my daughter's from years ago and I like the size and weight of it. Plus it's cute. &:^)
No. Your friend’s mug!
Oh, it looks like it says, "Actually, there ARE stupid questions." &:^)
Are you being facetious? lol
People are astoundingly good at lying to themselves
BTW, I'm from MT and I solidly get (but don't approve of) vigilantism. But if it's necessary *sigh
lol. I love your friend. He’s very funny 😄
I'm glad! He's a hell of a good guy. I enjoy our conversations, we'll have to do this more often! &:^)
Our joke was, it's 10:00, do you know where your parents are? But that was the second half of the 70s. On the weekend, in HS, I was allowed to roam if my chores were done. I would leave at 5 AM and go all over Portland OR on my bike. 71-74 :D
One of my favorite songs was "Sunshine" by Jonathan Edwards. Still feel this